
Mallorca kite school was created as a consequence of the compulsory legal requisites regarding our primary initiative, which was to create a non profit kitesurfing club which could provide support and help to the numerous kiters that had accessed to the sport without the necessary background and preparation to guarantee a safe practice.

It is known that kitesurfing is a extreme sport which is not quite free of some amount or degree of risk. ASOCIACION APRENDE A NAVEGAR was our first project and its goal was to avoid to kiters and beginners in Mallorca the possibility to get hurted during their practices, as well as to hurt others, which definitely, as it has been proved in other kite destinations, leading to bans and prohibitions.


The legalization and inscription of our kite club in the Register of non profit associations of the  GOVERN DE LES ILLES BALEARS  in order to gain legal access to the beach, to proceed with our practices, took place in the year 2009.  We were authorized by Coast and Marine authorities to the creation of a legalized kite school in which, when necessary, our kite club members could improve their skills or start their kitesurfing tuition.

The next step was our inscription in the register of Nautic Schools of the Balearic Government – General Directorate of Ports and Airports, in where our kite school conformed the last step of the legal framework that would allow our objectives: Teach kitesurfing through the less cost possible thanks to our non profit kite club ASOCIACION APRENDE A NAVEGAR.



Kitesurfing is a wind powered water sport using  a traction kite,  a control bar with lines and a harness attached to your body to generate the pull needed to propel a rider across the water on a small kiteboard.


mallorca kiteschool register - our kiteschool in Mallorca kite courses in July


Which are the best kitesurfing courses?

Important things you should know about kitesurfing:  Learning our sport, kitesurfing, has some undeniable difficulties. Without necessarily being a very dangerous sport, there are evident risks which should be avoided by all means and at all times.  Learn how to kitesurf and which is the best way to achieve it.

Please, follow this link

On it you will find very important information regarding to understand how and which is the best kitesurfing school.



Mallorca has a designated area for learning and practicing kitesurfing, this is the area known as Sa Marina,  in Pollensa Bay. This area has all the necessary ingredients to facilitate the learning and progression of our sport.

mallorca kiteschool in June best kite course in Mallorca

The best months regarding wind and water  conditions  in  Mallorca island for learning or practicing  kitesurfing  are between the months of  April and September. During this months, thermal winds blow daily, mostly from 11 am  to 5 pm, generally blowing between  8 and  14 knots.



Portblue Club – Pollentia beach resort – our summer kitespot

The shallow calm waters found in Pollensa Bay are perfect to learn kitesurfing with confidence.   In deeper and wavy waters it becomes much harder to learn and get control of the kite, also to position on the kiteboard and start our first rides.

Kitesurfing in May Mallorca kiteschool kitespot Pollentia Club Resort

If you are already a kiter and you are planning to come to Mallorca,  contact our kite team before you visit the island.  We will be happy to advice you and offer you support and help thanks to  our kite club  Asociacion Aprende a Navegar

On the following link we will find information about

On the link under this lines you will acceed to our Google +kiteschool page where you have the chance to see many photos of our kitesurfing students and kite – club members, as well as interesting reports concerning our kite group and other important thopics.


The Bay of Pollensa

The video here under was taken from a dron, overlying Parque de S’Albufereta and our kitesurfing spot in the fantastic Bay of Pollensa:

Pollensa Bay is the authorized area for kitesurfing in Mallorca.

The Nature Park of S’Albufereta, it is a protected area which has the legal authorizations granted by the Coast Authorities of the Balearic Autonomous Community for teaching/learning and the practice of kitesurfing


Sa Marina kitesurfing in July best kite courses in Mallorca Mallroca kiteschool com
Busy kite schools area of Sa Marina


Our kitesurfing spot, it is where  MALLORCA KITESCHOOL our kitesurfing school is situated, 300 mts towards the left -direction to Puerto Pollensa–   This part of the bay is free from the other areas in the proximity  where other kitesurfing schools or private kiters have their rides.

This, evidently, guarantees you enough space for your practices and the necessary peace of mind to know that you don’t have to worry about other thing but your learning

beach of Pollentia Club Mallorca kiteschool kitespot in summer July and August
Our summer kitespot, across the second beach bunker
which is left side of Portblue Club Pollentia Hotel


Pollensa Bay / authorized kitebeach in Mallorca

Pollensa Bay  is the only “all year” area authorized for kitesurfing in Mallorca island.   The Natural Park of S’Albufereta it is situated in the eastern part of Pollensa bay, within Alcudia municipality boundares.

From 1th March until 30th July there’s the implementation of a protocole of “bird protected area” on different parts of the Natural Reserve in where birds are nesting, therefore it is not allowed teaching kitesurfing if except at specific designated areas.

kite courses in May in Mallorca kitesurfing club Mallorca see on tripadvisor

Only the beach it is considered a restricted area, tht is, where the birds can be, on the sand and ground areas, not the water. Birds are not on the sea but on the ground.

Once you are into the water, there are no kitesurfing restrictions, beside the compulsory 200 meters distance from the beach which is reserved to swimmers, as the Spanish Law of Coast declares; just the access to the water through the beach it’s regulated but we should get back to the beach only through the authorized areas -buoy channel-.

In any case, if you are a kitesurfer planning to visit Mallorca and if in doubt, better contact us first, for advice.




Wind probability in summer on  Mallorca

More than 6 knots    90%

More than 10 knots  85%

More than 12 knots  50%

More than 15 knots  20%


In Mallorca it is possible to kitesurf  more than  180 days  per year, being the best winds of all seasons the summer months, when breezes known locally as “embat ” or thermal winds period, starts.

Ths breezes are created by the heat differences over the island and can last from mid-end of April until mid September, generally.

The best months to learn or practice kitesurfing in Mallorca


Our kitesurfing club ASOCIACION APRENDE A NAVEGAR and MALLORCA KITESCHOOL  offers  kitesurfing courses to  beginners  and also to kiters who have already some previous experience or  intermediate levels.  You will find  more information on the kitesurfing tab of our webpage, while more precise information about our courses in the kitesurfing course page.

Between October and March, we have mostly windless days combined with light but not relible light gusty wind days  or  else some occasional strong winds and storms.

Wind direction during this period of the year is from  N, NW or S and SW and W but sometimes, though seldom also from E or NE, being this a wind direction which might bring some light rain.

Winds of N, NW and W are generally cold and gusty, especially in the Northern part of Mallorca, S and SW are a bit warmer and temperatures can go up to 14-16 Celsius by mid day but this S or SW winds are considered not good wind directions in Pollensa bay, only at the beginning of Alcudia bay.


Wind and weather in Mallorca
Waves in winter, sometimes can reach a height of 2 metres.   For advanced wave riders, in Mallorca it’s a nice period to ride and catch waves, though the air can be just  8 to 12 Celsius.

Water temperature in January is about the 13-14  Celsius, air temperature between 10 and 13 Celsius.

January and February can  sometimes but very occasionally, bring  some snow on peaks of the island and temperatures can drop from 12 to barely few degrees Celsius or even 0 Celsius.  Water in April is around 16/20 Celsius, air between 16 and 22.

During summer days, water is around 28/30 Celsius and air between 27 and 34 Celsius.  In September, water can be between 20 and  25 Celsius and air around 30.  In November, air temperature can be sometimes up to 16-18 degrees by mid day but morning and evening use to be chill and not surpassing 12 Celsius.


WIND INFO IN MALLORCA- Important links

Click on that line for access to the different




Kitesurfing accommodation in Mallorca


See the best tourist attractions in Mal Pas with a plan including Kitesurfing Club Mallorca



Are you planning a winter trip? Ever thought about taking advantage of your winter vacation to learn kitesurfing? Click on the link under this lines for more interesting information

KITE TRIP-kitesurfing lessons vietnam