Kitesurfing in Pollensa Bay in August

This month, kitesurfing in Pollensa Bay in August has been fantastic. Thermal winds every day and we even had 5 days of perfect kitesurfing conditions for 9 – 12 mts kites. In short … great wind conditions as every summer, in our bay.

kitesurfing mallorca logo

Unsaying the name of the famous novel written by Agatha Christie:  Problem at Pollensa, first published in the Strand Magazine in November 1935. In Pollensa Bay … there’s no problem!

Ok, let’s admit that the novel was written quite long ago and by then, kitesurfing was yet to be invented.

The bay of Pollença stands out for its crystal clear waters, ideal scenario for the practice of nautical sports such as our sport kitesurfing. Shallow waters, protected by the closed shape of the bay.

Mallorca Pollensa Bay kitesurfing lessons in August

Within the Bay of Pollensa it is located the Natural Park of S’Albufereta and in the first part of the park can be found the kitesurfing activities and the authorized kite schools.

Sa Marina Pollensa kitesurfing club mallorca kite lessons in August
Kitesurfing authorized area in Mallorca


Kitesurfing Clinics/Pollensa Bay

The next photos were taken of one of this days, a cloudy day, by the way, a rarity in Mallorca during summer. Our kite school proposed a clinic for improving or learning kitesurfing jumping.

1 kitesurfing lessons in Mallorca August kite jump clinics

The jump session was not special, just one more good kite session in Mallorca great summertime. During the clinics we had some nice airtime, some of them basic, some were medium high, and some a little bit higher …

2 August kitesurfing in Mallorca Alcudia kiteschool learn to jump with Mallorca kiteschool

The idea is not to sell the jumps but to learn the steps to catch the moment and improve your jumping skills. Join our kite club and kiteschool on the next jumping clinics and this one on the photos, could be as well be you … the next time.

3 Pollensa Bay kite lessons to learn to jump wind in August


Summer kitesurfing holidays in Pollensa

Come and visit us in Mallorca during summer season. It’s, definitely, a wise decision. In fact, the best kitesurfing time in Mallorca starts by mid-end of March, improving in April and lasting until the last days of September, with the end of thermal winds.

Mallorca is just a short airplane trip from most european countries, the island has an affordable cost of life, very nice weather, guarantee friendly breezes and plenty space in our huge kitespot in the Alcudia part of Pollensa Bay, as well as in the middle part of the Natural Park which is always free of other beach users.

Great kitesurfing atmosphere in the water, and unexpensive kite holidays if compared with other far away kitesurfing destinations and … oh yes! and party every night!

kitesurfing club mallorca tripadvisor