Kite lessons for children in Mallorca

If you want your kids to learn a new sport, kite surfing, and you are looking for a school for kite lessons for children in Mallorca, look no further, we are your best choice.

Mallorca within the months of April until the end of September receives mild entles breeze, ideal for learning kitesurfing.

If a kid wants to take kite lessons and his weight is about 50 kilograms or less, he could not find better wind conditions. Learning kitesurfing on stronger breezes would be a dangerous activity for children.

We need to understand that learning kitesurfing is not something that requires brute force.
Learning kitesurfing depends on our memory and the ability to repeat the precise movements which our kite instructor makes with the kite-bar of his kite.

1 kite course with Titu and Evan flysurfer kiteschule mallorca

During the Easter holidays Titu and Evan were brought by their parents to our kite club ASOCIACION APRENDE A NAVEGAR. They were appreciated for their good results during their school exams and their holidays in Palma de Mallorca. So we all have 3 days to teach our new boyfriends.

We started our kite course at 12 o’clock with the arrival of the first thermal breeze of the day. Titu and Evan were expectant and ready to start their training.
They pay attention to the detailed explanations for controlling their kite and how to send the commands through the kite-bar.

2 kids kiteschool mallorca in april

Our young new friends learn bodydrag after one hour of their kite lessons on the water. They alternate themselves in the use of the kite, one after the another, helping and correcting each other, learning kite control and having a lot of fun.

3 bodydrag at foil Flysurfer kites April beginner kitekurs

After their first day of kite lessons and, the second day of their kite course is the moment to practice with the kite board, positioning first and practicing their first waterstarts.

4 Evan try waterstart with flysurfer kite equipment

and soon, after positioning on the board, and several attempts they start the first waterstart and rides

5 water start Evan kids kite course on Mallorca April

It is very funny, stand up on the kite board and start riding over the water

6 Evan kite rides kite course for kids Mallorca in April

Evan, the youngest brother succeeded soon and at the end of his second kite course-day he was kitesurfing fluently in both directions.  Now it was time for Titu to try board positioning, waterstart and kitesurfing.

7 Titu get up on the kiteboard kite course for kids in Mallorca

After a while, he is also successful, stands on the board and begin his rides.

8 Titu success on his kite course Mallorca in April

Children are like sponges, they absorb everything and learn quickly and easily.
Now it’s time to buy your own kite gear and practice with us, ASOCIACION APRENDE A NAVEGAR on your next visit to Mallorca.


Kitesurfkurse für Kinder auf Mallorca