Kitesurfing in Mallorca in May

Kitesurfing Mallorca in May. Spring time is here. Temperatures in Mallorca at noon are around 25 Celsius, kitesurfing in thermal winds starts knocking at our door.

Pollensa Bay, northern Mallorca, 15h a light thermal breeze starts blowing. 6, 7, 10 kts …

Our friend and kite club member Eze has prepared and launched his Flysurfer Sonic FR 18 mts on the Sa Marina beach kitespot.

1 kitesurfing mallorca in Juni www-mallorcakiteschool com kite course Eze in Pollensa Bucht

It is important to know about the wind and sea conditions in the different months through the year in Mallorca. Under this lines a blog entry to understand about it.

Mallorca and basic concepts of meteorology



2 kitesurfing lessons mallorca in Juni the black beast Sonic-FR 18 mts www mallorcakiteschool com

Flysurfer Sonic-FR his brand new adquisition. A pure race kite foil of the last generation. The black beast up there in the sky is awaiting for the right commands to start delivering its gentle power and the kite ride start.

3 kitesurf school in mallorca in Juli learn kitesurf with flysurfer

Fantastic Pollensa Bay and the panoramic view from the Alcudia side of the bay, it’s all to yourself

4 mallorca kitespot kitesurfing lessons fantastic Pollensa Bay in Mai www mallorcakiteschool com

Formentor Hotel and its beach far on the background

5 Formentor beach kitesurfing school www mallorcakiteschool com learn kitein Can Picafort

Kitesurfing lessons in Pollensa Mallorca



Eze is riding back to shore in one more track. The whole bay is yours as nobody can beat the low wind performance of the amazing Sonic-FR 18 meters kite foil.

6 Pollensa kiteschool Military Base Port of Pollensa www mallorcakiteschool com

and off again, heading towards the opposite direction. The Sonic FR gets into an early planning in barely 6 knots of wind.

7 Kitesurfing in May in Mallorca wind in Pollensa Bay

This is the evidency that, if you want to profit and enjoy every day kitesurfing in Mallorca island it is necessary to have the right kite equipment.

8 kiteschool Port of Pollensa Flysurfer kite lessons in Mallorca with Eze

Puerto Pollensa and the Fortress on the background of this photo under this lines.

9 la Fortaleza Port of Pollensa kite lessons in Mallorca Eze with Sonic FR

10a-kitesurfing-lessons-in-Mallorca-in-July-Pollensa-Bay-www mallorca kiteschool com-Flysurfer-kiteschool

This kite session today, in that early day of May perhaps lacks the adrenaline rush of a ride in 20 knots of wind but definitely offers the gentle kitesurfing session and the friendly breeze plus all the free space you want, just for you …

11a-full-speed-in-7-kts-wind-in-Mallorca-www mallorca kiteschool com

Kitesurfing Mallorca – Spring has arrived to Mallorca

Best kitespots and best time to kite in Mallorca

The best kite for Mallorca

May is here – kitesurfing Mallorca