How to choose your kiteschool

A very important topic if you want to learn our sport is to know how to choose your kite school.

Kitesurfing is a sport that can pose great risks for those who do not follow some strict safety standards in their learning process.

In order to make the right choice of your kite school, please read all the information under this lines carefully.  A nautical school in Spain must be officially authorized to teach courses in any water sport, including kitesurfing.

The first step in your goal to learn you must choose your kite school as a legally registered school with all the necessary qualifications, certifications and authorizations.

valid authorization Sailing Federation

Kitesurf instructors must be qualified – in accordance with Spanish law – and be in possession of the only valid certification in our country, this qualification that is granted only by the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, regulated by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.



In the process of becoming a certified kitesurf instructor by Spanish legislation, candidates must achieve the required levels of knowledge in the following subjects:

1 … Course of Sports Legislation under Spanish law.

2 … Course of meteorology.

3 … Course of physiology in the practice of kitesurf.

4 … First aid course.

5 … Knowledge about all kite equipment and method of use.

6 … Course to become a competent kitesurfing teacher.

7 … Course of technique for the preparation of future athletes oriented to competition.

8 … Course to obtain the license of motor boats.

9 … Course on specific topics for the modalities of windsurfing, cruising sailing or kitesurfing.

Once successfully completed all the exams of the different specializations, the future kitesurf instructor must complete a practical teaching period of 150 hours, under the supervision of a registered kiteboarding school and under the guidance of an official kitesurfing monitor.


become a kite teacher in Spain

In Spain, only the kitesurfing schools which are run by professionals with the official qualification of the Spanish Sailing Federation are authorized legally to teach kitesurfing.

Other international qualification licenses such as IKO, PASA or German VDWS are not considered valid, since in our country there are no legal validations of these qualifications as they are based only on their own private standards, therefore not accepted under Spanish law.



The registration of a kitesurfing school in Spanish territory depends on the laws of the Government of each Autonomous Community.

In the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands, on the island of Mallorca, this process must be carried out in the Register of Nautic Schools of the Balearic Government.


VDWSand IKO not valid in Spain

To register an official school of kitesurf in Spain, is a precise and laborious task in which the school apply the different authorities for the permission to make use of a public space, such as the beach in where the school will be ubicated as well as the authorization by Coast authorities which regulated the activity.


This legal procedure involves the authorizations of:

1 … Demarcation of Coasts

2 … Maritime Captaincy

3 … Authorization of the municipality where the future school will be located

4 … Authorization of the Ministry of the Environment, by the Natura 2000 Network

5 … Authorization of the Natural Park of S’Albufereta

6 … Authorization of Ministry of Environment and Biodiversity of the Balearic Government


The only authorized space for teaching kitesurfing on the island of Mallorca is in the Natural Park of S’Albufereta, in the eastern part of the Bay of Pollensa.

RFEV/Reglamento de formación de Instructores RFEV / Regulations for the training of instructors General management of special regime sports education

Reglamento de las Escuelas Deportivas Náuticas.