Kitesurfing lessons for girls in Pollensa Mallorca

Vanessa a new kite student in Mallorca Kiteschool. There’s always a first time. Kitesurfing lessons for girls in Pollensa Mallorca.

kite lessons Vanessa Pollensa

This “first time” it is the dreamed one: to see ourselves standing on the board and riding.

Vanessa a friendly and sweet Swiss girl has taken a 2 days kite course in Mallorca. Starting from 0 previous experience, the next set of photographs are going to show how in the right wind conditions, and the right technique, anybody can learn kitesurfing … with

1 Vanessa kite student Swiss Mallorca kite course in May

Prepared for the waterstart, after few lessons where we will learn the basic control of the kite and how to find enough power on it to lift from the water and start to ride.

and up she goes! Vanessa at kiteschool Mallorca



The day offers little wind, but with the right equipment and the right technique …

3 gaining speed kite course in may at Pollensa Bay

You finally stand up and start riding … the magic moment …

4 The day offers little wind, but with the right equipment

Your stance it is very important, front leg must kept stretched and keep the right amount of pressure on your back leg

5 Your stance it is very important, front leg must kept stretched kite course in May Mallorca Alcudia

Unavoidably looking to the kite, I hope you will not forget how to proceed with the kite bar on your hands to manage to be able to keep going …

6 Switch your stance towards your right

The wind lulls doesn’t help much and you must be really able to find the power on your kite

But the magic kite ride doesn’t end and you manage to deal with the lull and keep your ride towards your left side of the wind window

7 now riding kitesurfing lessons towards your right

Switch your stance towards your right and pass the kite to the other side of the wind window

… and now towards your left, totally concentrated in all what happens and still looking for enough power on your kite

8 wind is light but flysurfer kiteboard is perfect

getting upwind and riding confidently, not bad for a 2 days kite lessons, isn’t it?

9 getting upwind and riding confidently mallorca kiteschool best courses in Pollensa

stretch also your back leg, apply pressure and stop the board to slow speed

10 slow down now, you are back here again

So, you are again where you started your first waterstart

11 Swiss sweet Vanessa kite girl now mallorca kiteschool 2 days course

and … congratulations Vanessa, you are now one more kitesurfer girl in the world.

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