You are in Mallorca, you live here, or you are only in Mallorca because you have come on vacation. It doesn’t matter, what really matters is that you have decided to learn kitesurfing
If this is your case, you have been lucky, there is a group of people who have created an association that aims to facilitate that whoever wants to learn this sport of ours, kitesurfing, has the least number of difficulties possible so that it, learn kitesurfing, become a reality
And with this objective, in 2008 we created the Aprende a Navegar Association. The only non-profit sports club in Mallorca.
Asociación Aprende a Navegar
To become a kite member of our kiteclub, regardless of your nationality or place of residence, for a yearly fee of 100 euros, which you can renew optionally, you will acquire the right of having supervised practices of kitesurfing and enjoy monitorization, help and advice, plus access to the different clinics and courses that our kite club promotes periodically.
This 100 euros payment is the membership fee which includes the first 3 hours of kitesurfing tuition or the first part of the payment of your course, if you decide to take a course.
Meaning that first 3 hours of lessons in fact are your membership fee, which IN FACT means you get 3 hour lessons for free, not paying double for it, as it would happen on other kitesurfing school of Mallorca
If your case is that you had the chance of having previously some kitesurfing lessons in your country but feel yet insecure and you don’t wish to pass again through a whole kite course, but you want some refreshment hours, you can join as well, included in your membership fee, the different kite course levels available through
It can be also the possibility that you wish to travel with your own gear and you decide to bring your own kitesurfing equipment when you come to Mallorca
With our kite-club you will enjoy all your free time practicing kitesurfing and learning safely and monitorized, once you have become a member fee of any extra charge
On our webpage and on the websites under, you can get further information about the kite club and school.
Also about technique, kite trips, best kitespots, weather forecast, news about equipment and info on other world kitesurfing spots and destinations
Kitesurfing school in Mallorca
Some photos of Claudia, one of our most recent new kite-club member and kite student, which, on her second day of kite lessons started with her first waterstarts and rides. Congratulations!
Do you want to learn kitesurfing
in Mallorca – SPAIN or Vung Tau- Vietnam?
Book your course here now at the best price
send us an e-mail to
To contact the school you can also click here